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Encouraging the Future

A milestone hit in my journey as a parent and a person. My son turned 13. He found me staring off, weeping and worrying that I didn't do enough, and he asked me, "Mom, what's wrong?" I said, Oh, it's nothing baby, you're just growing up so fast." He hugged me and went about his day, hanging with his little sister and chatting on the PS5 with his cousins, laughing and enjoying a carefree day. Despite the tears, I am comforted. I look to the future with excitement and hope. I've had an awakening and finally figured out what I wanted to be when I grow up. The discovery of declaring myself an artist, has me bubbling over with enthusiasm and leading me toward my best self. Not only am I finally leading by example, but I'm mastering the advice to give my young man and any young at heart still finding their way. Step one, identifying your gifts is the first step towards following your dreams. Take some time to reflect on what comes naturally to you and what you enjoy doing. Ask yourself what activities bring you the most joy and fulfillment. These are likely to be the areas where you have natural talent and can excel. Life, much like art, is a pursued interest.

When you've realized your gifts, it's important to research ways to utilize them in a meaningful way. Look for industries or professions that align with your interests and talents. Connect with people in those fields and seek their advice on how to pursue your goals. Whether it's school or training or an internship approach, the spirit of educating yourself will change you wholeheartedly.

While it's important to follow your passion, it's also important to consider how you can make a living doing what you love. Look for ways to monetize your skills and turn your dreams into a viable career. Consider starting a business or freelancing in your chosen field. Remember that following your dreams is not always easy. There will be challenges, failures, and setbacks along the way. However, with grit and hard work, you can overcome these obstacles, move mountains and accomplish anything! At the end of the day, it's important to remember that you are worthy of dignity and a fulfilling life, no matter what happens. Believe in yourself and your abilities, and never give up on your dreams. The journey is difficult and takes resilience, cleverness, and resourcefulness, but you just might have a mom, who will love you and support you through it all.

And while our tomorrow is not promised, it is and always will be promising for anyone daring to dream!

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